The Point in Space
The Point in Space unfolds as an exploration into materiality and the labor inherent in my act of painting, all conveyed through a series of panel artworks. This series encompasses a period of my artistic evolution where I engaged in digging and excavating paintings, seeking to reveal the hidden artifacts within the layers of pigment and texture. Each panel serves as a tableau, capturing the essence of a moment when I began to comprehend the transformative potential of painting. The exploration of materials and surfaces becomes a tactile journey, uncovering the abstract and the representation of bodies in space through the act of painting itself.
The title of the series, The Point in Space, extends beyond mere abstraction, delving into the relationships within family, memories, and cultural connections. Simplicity and abstraction become elemental in the series, echoing the nuanced dynamics of familial relationships and my exploration of self-identity juxtaposed against the backdrop of the present.
My project extends its gaze to global events in places like Palestine, Gaza, and Ukraine. It becomes a meditation on the inevitability of events and the urgent question of how to halt the cycle of violence and suffering. The series prompts contemplation on the legacies we leave behind, urging viewers to consider the impact of their actions on the world.
The Point in Space serves as a visual discourse on the multifaceted aspects of human existence, encapsulating my personal reflections, familial connections, and the broader socio-political landscape. The project invites viewers to navigate through layers of meaning, prompting a thoughtful exploration of my artistic journey and the resonances it holds within the collective human experience.
Urban Crops, Acrylic pigments on panel, 33 x 48 inches, 2015
Shadows on the Wall, Acrylic pigments on panel, 33 x 48 inches, 2015
Metro, Acrylic pigments on panel, 33 x 48 inches, 2015
Rhythm in a Lost Space, Acrylic pigments on panel, 33 x 48 inches, 2015
Decimation, Acrylic pigments on panel, 40 x 40 inches, 2015